Wow, Jack. It's been a while since you wrote about the current state of Watchworld or any of the watches in it, and the last couple of paragraphs in what you wrote here are, perhaps? as good an explanation as any, not to mention a gut-wrenching cri de coeur. But in answer to the questions haunting your sleepless nights, yes, when it's done by someone like you, thinking and writing about watches can indeed be intellectually respectable. I hope you can find it within yourself to do more of it.

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Well, Jack, I have read hundreds of your articles and they are like fliers strewn in my mind.

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I suppose this also applies to wine as well

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You can modify the publish date in Substack so that it's accurate to when you originally published this post (you can go as far back as 1980), if that's something you wanted to do.

On your dashboard, go to the Posts tab, click on the post for which you want to update the publish date, click on Edit Post from inside the hamburger menu next to the View Post button, then click on Settings in the bottom left corner and scroll all the way down to the bottom.

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As always, Jack, an interesting and thought-provoking piece. It reminded me of a book I was reading some months ago about quantum biology - just how many "conventional" biological processes are utterly dependent on interactions at the quantum level to operate in the way that they do. And yes, much of the "luxury" world is founded on smoke and mirrors, which is why your work is of value in steering some kind of course through that to what shows some genuine integrity, innovation, and sense of value.

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